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iyla - Juice (Official Music Video)
2018Oct 16
iyla arrives with the first visual from her debut EP , WAR + RAINDROPS , available everywhere now! WAR + RAINDROPS: Artist: iyla - @iylablue Song: Juice Music Producer: Kadis - @iamkadis Writers: Isabella Snook, Gary Spriggs, Brittany Barber, Trevor Wesley Executive Producers: Kadis Spriggs, Mark Sawyer, Gaelen Whittemore Label: 3T Entertainment / Astra Velum Entertainment / EMPIRE Video Director / DP: Embryo - @directedbyembryo Video Producer: Gaelen Whittemore, Joshua Redden, Amber Dundee for 3T Entertainment Video Editing: Embryo and Bryan Ramos Styling: Brookelyn Styles - @brookelyn_styles Styling Assistants: Memphis and McCall HMU: Amber Rose Art Department: Matt Sokoler - @sokocreations Grip: David Goodmam Models: Delon - @drich536, Evan Chariot - @evanchariotofficial, AndrΓ©s Mejia Vallejo - @andresmejiavallejo Coloring: Loren White - @lorenjameswhite Titles: Andrew Choe

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